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  • Melanie Smith Photography

    Melanie Smith Photography

    Melanie Smith Photography ~ How can we be a support system to the female business owners in our lives?

    We can always be a support system to other female business owners by using their services and purchasing their products. We can share with friends what we like about what they offer. Sometimes just talking about our own wins and struggles in business is encouraging because you always find out that you’re not the only one who feels that way. I am far more likely to purchase a product from a friend’s store or use a service from someone I know or know of.

  • Inspired by Shayne Lawrence CatchThis @PaisleyPaigeDesignss

    Shayne Lawrence CatchThis


    They have empowered us. They have nurtured us. They have supported us. 

    Something very important to us at PaisleyPaige is recognizing and shouting-out incredible women in our lives. 

    This first blog post is all about Shayne Lawrence our web designer/graphic artist/do-er of anything we ask of her. She is a beauty and we have so much fun with her, hope you enjoy getting to know her. Read more... 


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